Saturday night was supposed to be an exciting evening for me. I had been showering like this for the past 18 days:

and I was excited because this was THE NIGHT, the night I was FINALLY going to be able to shower without Saran wrap from thigh to ankle...and this meant I could finally shave my leg! Now I know this might not ring out as an "exciting evening" for some of you, but when you have been bedridden for the past 3 weeks, trust me, even an evening shower and shaving your leg seems like an exciting adventure.
I got in the shower and realized my leg was numb from calf to ankle (not good), so I decided shaving was going to have to wait (didn't want to end up cutting myself, since I couldn't feel the razor). I finished showering and then immediately called my surgeon. He told me I needed to go straight to the hospital and get tested for blood clots (I had other symptoms too: cold calf and foot, no pulse on the top of my foot, and occasional shooting pain up my leg).
Obviously this is not how I anticipated my evening going. I called my sister, who graciously agreed to watch my girls and my ex-husband who, without hesitation, agreed to take me to the ER.
I got to the ER around 7:00pm. I let them know that although my symptoms were not necessarily typical of DVTs of the leg, my surgeon wanted them to make sure, since it is the biggest concern for patients post-op. They agreed and called in the technician, who had already gone home. We had to wait for him to drive back to the hospital, which took some time.
While waiting for the technician, I got to change into this fashionable get up:
I of course brought along my blanket. God knows it is always cold in the hospital and hospital blankets are always stiff and scratchy, not to mention not nearly as fashionable as mine:
Luis got a little tired/bored waiting for that technician, but he was a trooper none the less, never complaining about spending his Saturday night in the ER with me. But lets be honest, ER or not, spending any evening with me is pretty special! :)
The tech finally showed up and I got wheeled down to this little room to have an ultrasound done of the veins and arteries in my legs. Umm, ladies...even though its October, in the Midwest, and you have no plans of wearing a bathing suit for months, you should NEVER neglect your bikini just never know when you might have to have THIS done to you:
This is what the imaging looks like on the screen when they are checking for blood clots in your veins/arteries. The technician told me mine looked like an Olympic champion's...ehh, I think that's a good thing!
The testing took quite awhile, but good news, NO BLOOD CLOTS! Still not sure what all the weird symptoms are all about, but following up with my Surgeon on Monday.
Left the hospital and got home around 11:00pm. I decided the best way to finish out my exciting evening was with some Ben & Jerry's Coffee Heath Bar Crunch. Perfect end to my evening!
Super great Saturday evening! That's how I roll, at least until I can get both feet back on the ground...running!
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