

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

One month in...finally, physical therapy in site!

First week of work was hard but I managed to make it the whole week thanks to wonderful co-workers who picked me up for work, brought me pumpkin spice lattes and made sure I had lunch and anything else I needed all week.

The hardest thing about being at work ALL day was sitting.  Since I can't bend my left leg (in a straight full leg brace) I am always sitting crooked which puts a strain on my back. I have been trying some different things with chairs, pillows, blankets, my exercise ball, etc. to make my day more comfortable. Needless to say my office looks like a hospital room with so much stuff.

This past weekend my youngest daughter came down with the worst case of STREP ever! Ended up sitting in the ER with her Saturday.

Now my older daughter and I are sick too. We haven't slept in days...sigh! Hoping we are all better by Friday because trick-or-treating is this weekend and we have costumes that need to be worn! 

Began my second week back at work Monday. Being busy helps the hours go by, but its still  hard because of  the back pain. My knee pain is minimal at this point, however I am not doing much with it since I am still non-weight bearing and its in a brace.

Yesterday I completed ONE month since my surgery and no walking. One down, two to go! Defiantly feeling like its been a month! Today I had another follow-up with my surgeon. I am slightly behind on my knee flexibility. Only at a 45 degree bend and I should be at about 65 degrees at this point. Because of this my surgeon is having me start physical therapy two weeks sooner than originally planned. I am excited about this because it will feel like I am actually doing something to progress my healing and get me on the road to running again. I go for me physical therapy eval this Friday.


  1. Love you. Always inspired by your strength and fight. Praying for you!

  2. An overwhelming load to juggle, let alone on crutches. You're amazing!
